Sponsorship OpportunitiesĀ
Conference sponsorships are solicited to support the conference activities. The conference is an initiative of African academicians in the diaspora and on the continent. Organizing committee members putting together this conference do so on a voluntary basis. Funds collected from the sponsors will be used to fund conference activities such as refreshments, Website development, and travel expenses of local graduate students and postdocs planning to attend the conference.
The scope of the conference scope and venue are summarized in the attached flier and technical and scientific details can be found on the conference website: Website: https://paaiss.com/
Gold Class Sponsorship: 3,000 USD.
Sponsors in this class will be given the opportunity to display the organization or company logo on the conference website and set up a booth in the conference hotel.
Silver Class Sponsorship: 2,000 USD
Sponsors in this class will be given the opportunity to Display the organization or company logo on the conference website, and set up a booth in the conference hotel
Bronze Class Sponsorship: 1,000 USD
Sponsors in this class will be given the opportunity to display the organization or company logo on the conference website
For additional sponsorship Information information, please contact:
Jules-Raymond Tapamo, PhD. Local Organizing Committee.
Pan-African Artificial Intelligence, Communications, Computing, and Smart Systems (PA-ACCS) Conference
Professor, College of Agriculture, Engineering, and Science.
University of Kwa-Zula Natal, Howard campus
tapamoj@ukzn.ac.za , Tel: +27 82 505 3375